Blah, blah, blog…

25 Mar

Okay, so I’ve had a blog before, but never through WordPress.  I know pretty much EVERYONE seems to use WP however.  Now that I have one here I am trying to figure out how to lay things out and I must say… I feel stupid!  I thought customizing would be easy like it was in the days that I played around with HTML coding of websites or by pointing and clicking to stuff that I see and think “ooh… shiny… that one!  *click*”  But… of course that is not the case.  So… as it is, you see before you want is a generic theme that was hosted here on WP with absolutely no edits to the layout.  Maybe one of these days I’ll have the time to figure things out on my own or a person more WP knowledgeable will give me the assist and make my life easier.

That being said…

The reason I’ve decided to create a completely new blog is in order to post stuff as I go along learning Japanese.  I am trying to self-teach myself.  However, I did take a couple of classes shortly after graduating college.  I think the only thing I really learned out of the classes was hiragana and katakana and maybe a little bit of vocabulary.  Though I forgot the majority of that so had to start basically from scratch.  So here I want to post how I am progressing…. maybe some cool things I stumble upon on the web to help me on my journey, and other various things.  What I have yet to decide is whether or not I want to pull in all of my postings from my previous blog over at blogger as it consists of basically movie and book reviews.  Most likely in the end I will decide to in order to only have to post at one blog at all times plus there will most likely be some overlap with my postings of reading manga and watching anime as I’ll probably post some kind of “opinion” review of those.  But for the time being I’m keeping them separate… at least until the weekend.  *grin*

I will end this first post here and hope that WP doesn’t lose it in my attempt to save & publish my first posting.  If you are reading this still you’re probably either extremely bored tonight or maybe you are stalking me.  Whatever the reason, I appreciate it and hope that at least a few of my future postings interest you into coming back every now and then.


(I don’t know if everyone can see that last word I posted or not, but that was me saying goodbye in Japanese… sayounara)

2 Responses to “Blah, blah, blog…”

  1. cheesygiraffe March 31, 2011 at 4:27 pm #

    I don’t have WP. Should I move over? :/

  2. sanddanz March 31, 2011 at 4:33 pm #

    Up to you… I’ve heard a lot of good things about WP so decided to give it a try. Liking it so far. 🙂

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